
    Sony Developing PlayStation Mobile Platform

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    Sony Interactive Entertainment is stepping into the mobile gaming arena with a fresh PlayStation Mobile Platform aimed at creating, publishing, and running free-to-play (F2P) mobile games. This effort is part of Sony’s broader strategy to tap into the rapidly growing $90 billion mobile gaming market.

    recent job listing revealed Sony\’s ambitious plans. The company is developing a PlayStation mobile experience to tap into the booming mobile gaming market.

    This move comes hot on the heels of Microsoft’s announcement. Earlier this month, Xbox president Sarah Bond confirmed that Microsoft\’s mobile games store is set to launch in July. Clearly, Microsoft isn’t the only player eyeing the lucrative $90 billion mobile gaming market. Sony, too, is gearing up to make a splash with its own suite of mobile games.


    There\’s just one issue: besides Fate/Grand Order, Sony doesn\’t have any major mobile games. But that\’s about to change. Sony is increasing its investments in mobile gaming, including acquiring studios like Firesprite and Valkyrie. These moves show that Sony is committed to expanding its presence in the mobile gaming industry.

    A new job listing for a mobile platform architect at Sony offers some hints about what\’s next. The listing suggests that Sony is not just creating a platform to sell mobile games or microtransactions, but is actually focusing on developing a comprehensive game development platform. This means Sony is likely working on tools and technologies to help create top-notch mobile games.

    PlayStation Mobile Platform Job Listing

    \”PlayStation Studios Mobile is seeking an experienced software engineer to design PlayStation’s platform for developing, publishing, and operating free-to-play mobile games. An individual in this role will spearhead the design and implementation of this platform; work in partnership with internal teams to connect mobile games to PlayStation services; and ensure that all mobile games meet PlayStation’s quality standards.\”


    • Design the system architecture and backend services for the mobile games platform
    • Measure and improve platform security, availability, throughput and cost efficiency
    • Provide technical leadership and guidance to the platform engineering team
    • Establish pipelines and processes to facilitate the delivery of high-quality software
    • Collaborate across teams to integrate the platform with internal services
    • Influence and contribute to the platform engineering roadmap
    • Clearly communicate end-to-end system behavior to platform users and stakeholders
    • Actively track technical innovations, changes, and trends affecting mobile game development

    Desired Skills and Experience

    • 8+ years of professional experience in the mobile games industry
    • Experience as a technical leader in an enterprise setting
    • Skilled communicator with both technical and non-technical audiences
    • Expertise in software architecture, service design and distributed systems
    • Expertise operating backend services at scale
    • Experience designing APIs or related SDKs
    • Experience with infrastructure-as-code, containers and Kubernetes/EKS
    • Working knowledge of Unity or Unreal Engine
    • Working knowledge of emerging technologies affecting mobile game development
    • B.S. in Computer Science, or equivalent

    Sony\’s decision to enter the mobile gaming market is part of a broader strategic move aimed at expanding its gaming ecosystem beyond traditional consoles and PCs. The company sees mobile gaming as a crucial avenue for reaching a wider audience and engaging with gamers on the go.

    In past statements, Sony executives have emphasized the importance of delivering high-quality gaming experiences across all platforms, including mobile devices. They envision a future where players can seamlessly transition between console, PC, and mobile gaming, enjoying the same level of immersion and excitement regardless of the device they\’re using.

    Sony’s foray into mobile gaming is set to impact developers and consumers alike. For developers, Sony’s platform promises better tools, support, and opportunities for growth. For gamers, this move could mean access to higher-quality games and new gaming experiences seamlessly integrated with existing PlayStation services.

    As Sony positions itself to become a major player in mobile gaming, industry watchers anticipate more announcements and developments in the coming months. With Microsoft and other key players also vying for dominance, the mobile gaming market is poised for exciting times ahead.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) PlayStation Mobile Platform

    Q1: Why is Sony entering the mobile gaming market now?

    A: Sony sees an opportunity to expand its gaming ecosystem and reach a wider audience by entering the lucrative mobile gaming market. The company aims to leverage its expertise and brand recognition to offer compelling gaming experiences on mobile devices.

    Q2: How does Sony plan to compete with existing mobile gaming platforms?

    A: Sony plans to differentiate itself by offering high-quality, immersive gaming experiences that leverage its PlayStation brand and services. The company aims to provide unique features and exclusive content that set its mobile platform apart from competitors.

    Q3: What impact will Sony\’s acquisitions of studios like Firesprite and Valkyrie have on its mobile gaming strategy?

    A: Sony\’s acquisitions of studios like Firesprite and Valkyrie demonstrate its commitment to expanding its presence in the mobile gaming industry. These studios bring valuable expertise and resources that will help Sony develop compelling mobile games for its platform.

    Q4: How will Sony\’s mobile platform integrate with its existing PlayStation ecosystem?

    A: Sony aims to create a seamless gaming experience across all platforms by integrating its mobile platform with its existing PlayStation ecosystem. This includes features like cross-platform play, cloud saves, and access to a library of premium games.

    Q5: What kind of support will Sony provide to developers who create games for its mobile platform?

    A: Sony plans to provide developers with robust development tools, comprehensive SDKs, and dedicated support channels to help them create high-quality games for its mobile platform. The company aims to empower developers and foster innovation in mobile game development.

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